The Importance of Timing

I had an experience today with my healthcare provider.  I spent a good portion of my day obtaining paperwork.  It had all the necessary information they needed, yet I was told that it was the incorrect paperwork.  I place a very high value on time.  It does not stop, cannot be turned back, and most importantly, it is very limited.

Before I go on, it is important for me to note that I have had repeated problems with this organization.  For instance:

  • Repeatedly being referred to specialists who did not accept my insurance.
  • Left in an examining room for an extended period of time without being told anything while I was experiencing extreme pain due to sciatica.  I ended up walking out.
  • Procedures not being charted correctly causing undue stress and inconvenience.
  • Being given incorrect medical information that caused me time to research and contact other professionals, including county and federal agencies to challenge the information that I had been given.

In addition, I have had other issue with other healthcare providers.  This includes:

  • I tore my Achilles tendon in 2011 and was told by a professional that if I could walk on it, it was not torn.  Because of that incorrect information and being referred to the wrong specialists, the injury was not treated in a timely fashion and scar tissue formed. I will never walk or run the same.
  • I had a bridge that cost well over $5,000. I experienced complications within a week and eventually the bridge failed in three years.  Because of that failure, before the bridge was replaced, a ridge augmentation had to be performed caused by the first bridge.  The total cost for the second bridge was more than the first bridge.
  • I had a root canal and crown done two years ago.  A canal was completely missed.  I called the dentist who did the first procedure, and they did not even return my call.  I spent $1755.00 for the second root canal.  Total cost for one tooth, about $4,000.00.

I don’t place the same value on money as I do on time.  But when my family has been doing business with you for over 30 years, and has given you that much business, I think that I deserve at least a return phone call.  When I get a bridge done and a tooth goes crooked in one week, and the dentist tells me that it should have been wired down from the beginning to keep it straight and then tries to refer me to an orthodontists, I am going to get upset.  So if anyone in the medical field messes with my time or money, I am going to let them know, without beating around the bush, what I think.

So, back to the story.  For the most part, I cannot argue that the nurses and doctors that are employed at this organization are not professional and competent.  I do argue that they have a severe administration problem based solely on my own personal experiences with them over the last couple of years.  The receptionist admitted that they should post which documents are accepted.  It was too late for that.  Even after she gave me the paper indicating which documents are accepted, I noticed that they were very vague and really served no purpose.  I asked to speak to a supervisor.

One of the first things out of here mouth was “so what nationality are you?”  I was immediately offended.  First, I was not there for small talk.  Second, it was completely irrelevant, and I let her know that.  I told her that was the wrong thing to say and she should have noticed that my emotions were already elevated.  Then the next thing out of her mouth was “you can always go somewhere else.”  Like I already don’t know that, and it is a little bit more complex than that due to my circumstances.  I told her that she was saying all the wrong things to me.  I am big on the user experience and customer service.  I hold the medical field to the highest standard.  After all, we are talking about my health and my teeth.  I place the highest value on my life, which is directly related to my health.

The conversation proceeded and we discussed the document that I brought in.  I told her that it had all the necessary information and that due to my insurance, they should already know all of the information.  She agreed with me, but said that she could not accept my document.  I then told her that if I have to do anything twice because of you then you are it doing wrong.

Now if I were running that organization that would never happen.  I know that some people have a language barrier and health issues that would cause them extreme undue stress and even pain having to go through what I went through.  If I was running that organization, the company would take care of situations like this.  They should have access to that information, because I know of other organizations that have access to that information, and there is no reason why they should not have access too.

I have to honestly say that I have never thought or felt, to the best of my recollection, discriminated against due to my race or ethnicity.  She told me that she meant nothing by it, and I believed her.  I was given a number to administration, and I made a very good decision.  I decided because my emotions were running high, I would not make the call for at least 24 hours.  In fact, I wrote a little program for myself to make sure that I act logically if I decide to place that call.  Here is the program I wrote:

  1. Wait 24 hours
  2. Revisit the situation
  3. Is the number of times here >= 3 times?

If answer = yes

** END

If answer = no –> PROCEED

  1. Were you being reasonable?

If the answer is no JUMP TO **

If the answer is yes –> PROCEED

  1. Are you in control of your emotions and acting logically?

If the answer is no –> RETURN TO 1

If the answer is yes –> PROCEED

  1. Make a list of your complaints STICKING ONLY TO THE FACTS
  2. Have you stuck to the facts?

If the answer is no –> RETURN TO 1

If the answer is yes –> PROCEED

  1. Is the number of times here > 3 times?

If the answer is no RETURN to 7

If the answer is yes –> PROCEED

  1. Read the list below 3 times
  • Breath
  • Relax
  • Focus
  • Speak slowly
  • Speak softly
  • No profanity
  • Facts only
  • Stay current
  • Listen actively
  • Share the conversation
  • Be nice

10.  Do the list

So, at 4:00pm tomorrow I am going to revisit the situation and run the program.  I put a check in there for error handling.  The program is design to make sure that I evaluate three times whether or not I have stuck to the facts.  The fact is that I have an issue with the unprofessional administration of the organization.  The fact that I was asked about my nationality is irrelevant.

I was participating in a math seminar at my university.  The instructor that ran the seminar spoke in a thick European accent.  I automatically, and incorrectly assumed that she was Russian.  When I asked her if she was Russian, for whatever reason, she politely stated that it offended her.  I did not mean anything by it, and it certainly was not my intention. But I did offend her, and that is what matters.  What really matters to me is that she was polite in letting me know, and she never claimed discrimination.

The best decision I made today was not to immediately place that phone call.  I would not have stuck to the facts.  Sometimes the best thing to do is to remove yourself from the situation.  It is time for me to remove myself.


About Earl Switzer

I am a graduate of the University of Washington with a Bachelors of Science in Information Technology and Systems.
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